Follow my NaNoWriMo Adventures here. Even if it's just for me, I want to try and chronicle when I'm tired, excited or even hit a case of writer's block. You'll also find some sneak peeks of the original fiction, The Guardian. Here you'll find playlists, pictures and general inspiration.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First excerpt!

I posted my first excerpt on my NaNoWriMo page today because I actually started writing last night at midnight. While I won't be posting every single thing I write. Here's the excerpt!

The moment glass shatters is actually quite beautiful. Not many people really get the chance to appreciate the magnificence because it happens so instantly. So quick that you blink and it’s done. But when you’re convinced you’re about to die, everything moves in slow motion.

I didn’t see whatever made him jerk the wheel violently to the left. I felt my body slam hard against the restraint of the seat belt as we spun and rocketed towards the guard rail. As we plowed into it, the car started to tilt as gravity pulled me roughly back towards the earth.

I looked over to the driver’s side, expecting to hear my boyfriend’s piercing scream. There was nothing but silence as he stared back at me with his deep green eyes. There was no panic, no fear behind them as he gripped tightly onto the steering wheel.

My head snapped forward as we hit the ground and rolled. Once. Twice. The third time the glass of the windshield shattered. It started as the tiniest crack before imploding into a thousand tiny particles.

I held my arms up to shield myself a moment before the air was knocked from my lungs, leaving me gasping for air. I felt myself slipping away and I knew I was dying. My body was limp, practically numb. A strange haze clouded my eyesight, but I could have sworn I saw a dark shadow in front of me and a touch so light that it felt like a feather against my skin. Before the darkness swallowed me completely, I finally heard his voice utter two small words. The last words he’d ever speak.

“It’s done.”

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